September 20, 2024

As we come to the end of the year you might be looking back and thinking about all the things that you hoped to achieve this year that didn’t quite work out. This is especially true if you were hoping to meet someone or start dating. If that’s you, don’t despair. A new year always brings with it chances to make opportunities for different things, and starting a relationship is one of them. The only caveat is that you would need to be open-minded, and perhaps try things that you haven’t tried before. There are many opportunities you could take hold of in the new year, and you could even make some of those opportunities yourself!

3 great ways to make opportunities in the year ahead - Christian Connection dating adviceFor many people, the new year is about resolutions and having goals you aim to achieve through the year. Finding a new job, losing weight, eating more healthily, going to the gym, starting a new hobby or even picking up an old one are all different goals that people plan when it comes to the new year. And these are all worthwhile goals to pursue, and the fresh start of the new year is as good a time as any to start on them.

Relationship goals are also very popular in the new year and if you’re reading this, chances are that that’s something on your mind. Rest assured, the new year provides a great opportunity to tackle those goals, despite any challenges you may have faced in the past. So, how can you seize the opportunities available to you? Here are some tips.

Widen your social circle

If your challenge is meeting new people, you may need to think about ways to move outside of your current circle or widen your circle of friends and acquaintances. How do you do that, you ask? Well, you could start by joining a meet up group with people of similar interests. This doesn’t need to be specifically about dating – those these interests are great to add to your online dating profile! – but just a group of people that enjoy the same things as you, be it travelling, photography, knitting, sports, etc.

The benefit of this is that it comes without the pressure of dating, but you could form some great friendships and who knows where they might lead? If you can’t find a meet up group that you like, why not consider forming one yourself?

Meet new people

3 great ways to make opportunities in the year ahead - Christian Connection dating advice - friends meeting for food and drinkIf you’re actively looking to date or start a relationship, you could consider the various single Christian events that are put on by different organisations regularly. The Events for Christians site (UK) is regularly updated with meet ups. If there’s nothing near you, why you arrange something through Christian Connection? It will be shared on the events page for other members to join.

You could even start a singles group or fellowship in your local church and get people to invite their single friends to come along. These may all seem quite daunting at first but if you don’t try something different, nothing is likely to change on the relationship front. Don’t forget, other single people probably feel just like you!

Get online!

Online dating is another fantastic opportunity to put yourself out there and meet that special someone. It’s never been easier to join and get to work on your profile. Put a few nice pictures up and sell yourself! The great thing about online dating is that people can read your profile and decide if they want to get to know you more, or not. And you can do the same with theirs. And you only really need to strike up a conversation or meet up with someone that you’re really interested in.

You may have lots of goals and new year resolutions for the coming year, but if meeting someone is one of them, you will need to take that step and grab the opportunities that a new year brings, and hopefully by the end of the year, you can tick this one off your list!

What are your plans to make opportunities in the year ahead?

Enjoyed reading ‘3 great ways to make opportunities in the year ahead’? Read more by Urenna here.

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