September 20, 2024

As we ring out the old year and welcome in 2024, our thoughts turn to all the opportunities the new year could bring. As a leap year, we already know one thing the year ahead has in store: one extra day! While February 29th might not be the best date for a birthday, years containing a leap day are often viewed as special, and can be seen as a time to be bold, especially when it comes to love. So whether you’re making a new start or a fresh start when it comes to online dating, you’ve picked the perfect time to make the most of all Christian Connection has to offer and leap into love!

Get your profile ready to go and start sending some messages, waves and likes, and check out our handy hints for taking the leap into love in 2024.

Freshen up your photos

It’s important to pick a photo that makes you feel good about yourself. Studies have repeatedly shown that people who smile in their profile pictures receive the best response, and that using a photo of yourself having a good time will help make others feel good about you.

Just as importantly, choose a picture where you look like yourself. It can be tempting to use filters, or old pictures, but you’re more likely to find a real connection with a real photo. Show who you are and you’ll find the people who think you’re perfect that way.

If you don’t think you look good in photos, think again and check out our tips from a professional photographer here.

Personalise your profile

6 top tips for taking the leap into love in 2024 - Christian Connection dating adviceWhether you’re creating a profile from scratch or updating an old one, the new year is a new chance to think about what you want others to know about you. Remove anything that’s out of date, and share the quirky or unique parts of your personality. Sometimes it’s what you have in common that matters, and sometimes opposites attract, but our members often share how the little details in their partner’s profiles were what brought them together.

Remember to approach your profile with a positive mindset. Ask a friend to describe you if you get shy when it comes to talking about yourself. Share the qualities you’d like to find in a partner, but don’t dwell on negatives. This is a great time to let go of any bad experiences in the past, and focus on the future.

If you’re still unsure what to write, we’ve got a guide for perfecting your profile here.

Overcome scepticism and open your heart

Maybe you’ve never thought online dating was right for you, or you’ve tried it out before and didn’t see the results you hoped for. Perhaps you just didn’t see anyone who looked like a perfect match. It might surprise you that we hear that a lot – from couples who met via the site!

Alex, Jane and their children

Several Christian Connection success stories felt sceptical at first. In fact Jane told us she would ‘never have considered online dating’ before a friend encouraged her to join. Now she is celebrating twenty years of marriage to Alex, who she met via the site.

Nathan had also ‘sworn off online dating’, and neither he nor his soon-to-be partner Ana were looking for a long distance relationship, but despite all the obstacles, once they started chatting, everything clicked into place.

Many of our Christian Connection couples found success after they opened themselves up to the possibilities of online dating, and to meeting new people who might not have been quite what they expected.

Make the first move

6 top tips for taking the leap into love in 2024 - Make the first move! Christian Connection dating adviceIn a tradition said to date back to Saint Brigid and Saint Patrick in fifth century Ireland, Leap years are famous for their unexpected proposals, so why not take inspiration from the date and reach out to someone you like?

We know that being the first to say hello can make people nervous. Some of our successful couples have told us that they felt too scared to message at first! Luckily, Christian Connection has so many ways to reach out that you’re sure to find one is the perfect fit. You can send a like or a wave directly from someone’s profile, or send one of our new profile reactions. These allow you to show exactly what caught your eye.

However, our feedback shows that messages are still the most appreciated way of connecting. A short, friendly message mentioning what you liked about the other person’s profile or asking a question can be a great way to spark conversation. Why not read our guide to crafting a great first message, then be brave and send one today!

New year, new ideas!

Getting coffee together is the traditional ‘first meeting’ for online daters. It’s a busy, safe space and the perfect place to have a friendly chat as the precursor to a date.

6 top tips for taking the leap into love in 2024 - new date ideas! Christian Connection dating advice After the coffee has been sipped, however, it’s time to start thinking of some fresh ideas for your first dates! Don’t just stick to the old standards. Get to know each other and look for an activity that matches your mutual interests. That might be checking out a local museum exhibit or going mountaineering! Pick somewhere you and your partner can do the talking (rather than actors on the big screen) and where there’s plenty to talk about.

No matter what mood you’re in, there’ll be something fun you can do. We’ve got some great ideas for energetic dates and relaxing ones, too.

Other suggestions might include: an artisan market for foodies or craft enthusiasts, classic car shows, tennis or badminton for the sportier couples, or if you live far apart you might pick a town between your locations and spend the day exploring. This is a great chance to connect over your shared interests – read about some CC couples who did just that here!

Trust in God’s perfect timing

Any new year offers an opportunity to focus on spiritual growth. Here on Christian Connection, we hope to help single Christians find a partner for their journey in faith, knowing that we are always surrounded by God’s enduring love. This leap year, have patience and trust in God’s purpose.

Our blogger Urenna wrote about trusting God to guide you while being proactive about online dating here,  and you might also be inspired by her suggestions for building spiritual practice into your new relationship.

As Christians seeking love, let the extra day this year inspire you to leap into the possibilities that God has woven into the fabric of this special year. Be bold when it comes to trying something new. Trust in His timing, celebrate the special moments, and open your heart to the love that may be waiting just around the corner: ‘See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.’ – Isaiah 43:19

Happy New Year from all of us at Christian Connection. Make the most of this busy time and we can’t wait to see what the New Year brings you.

How are you planning to ‘leap into love’ in 2024?

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