September 20, 2024

“I wanted to meet somebody that was a Christian. And I just felt like Christian Connection was the right place.” When Yinka set out to find a special connection, her Christian Connection profile led her to Moyo, whose friends had told him he needed “to get yourself out there… meet new people”. Find out how Moyo and Yinka went from Facetiming and mini golf to a great love story and three weddings…

"It felt like I knew her and she knew me" - Moyo & Yinka, our Christian Connection story To start the dating process, both Moyo and Yinka had individually joined Christian Connection. Yinka first: “I joined on the website, and it was quite easy… Just create a profile and pictures, a few bits about myself, and then my interests.” Moyo came later: “I joined when the app came out. It was quite a seamless process. I did pay for the subscription as well to give me more access to the site which, which was very helpful in terms of meeting new people.”

Yinka spotted Moyo first. “Moyo was really smartly dressed. And I think that was what stood out for me.” Once Moyo received her message, he was intrigued. “Yinka reach out to me first, so it was upon her message that I then checked her profile… she seemed like a very friendly and outgoing person…. she was also a Christian and a Bible believing Christian… she was beautiful individual.”

"It felt like I knew her and she knew me" - Moyo & Yinka, our Christian Connection storyShe was also confident! “I just went straight in… I wasn’t really embarrassed to make a move. I just reached out to him, like, ‘Hey, I’m Yinka. Nice to meet ya.’”

Moyo said, “we spoke a bit on the app before she gave me her number, and then, we had a few conversations… almost every day we were talking, sending each other voice notes, sending pictures, sending memes, before we then met up for the first time, January 2022.”

The first date!

“We said that we would meet up in the first week of January,” Yinka remembered, “So we had all of Christmas to kind of go back and forth. And again that first week of January, then when we finally met, it was really nice… went mini golfing, and then we went to get something to eat. We took some pictures of each other… just spoke for ages and shared our stories and we were just really open with each other. We just found that from the first day, we just really comfortable with each other… I remember just laughing on the train. I can’t even remember what we’re laughing about…. And then that day, I messaged my friends and I was like, ‘hey guys, I think I just met my husband’.”

She added, “There was an element of truth to it. It was just easy being with Moyo when we met… Nothing felt wrong. It felt like very right, him being a Christian, very quickly we spoke about the Bible, we prayed together, we prayed for each other. So it felt like it was a relationship that I had never really experienced before…I kind of knew very quickly that yeah, this is definitely my person. This is somebody who I could do life with.”

Next steps…

"It felt like I knew her and she knew me" - Moyo & Yinka, our Christian Connection story - Moyo proposes to YinkaMoyo took his time to get to know Yinka well: “I would say it was a it was a gradual process… getting to know Yinka more and more. And I think the more I got to know… the more I felt comfortable doing life with her. I always wanted some sort of confirmation from God… And it eventually came January 2023. When I felt like God spoke to me through His Word in Isaiah 41, verse 10, it says, ‘Fear not, I will be with you, you know, I’m your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you’. And I think that… silenced every, every fear about taking that step. And I just knew, yeah, this is it.”

“I called the date the full circle. We did the exact same things we did on our first date: the same golf place, the same restaurant. While we were out, I got her friends and their sisters to prepare their house. They decorated the living room, got all the flowers, got the little lights… So eventually, when we got back home, she walked into the living room, and noticed that everywhere was decorated. I got down on one knee… said my, my speech and then proposed, and then when she said, Yes, everybody came out from the hiding place. Yeah. So yeah, it was it was a beautiful day.”

The three weddings!

"It felt like I knew her and she knew me" - Moyo & Yinka, our Christian Connection story - the first wedding“We actually had three weddings,” said Yinka, “We had a registry, and we had a Nigerian traditional wedding. And then we had a church wedding across four days…. it was the best week of our lives. It was really nice. It was lovely…. every time we watch a video in the evening, we just wish we could do it all over again. I loved it.”

“We didn’t actually have a big budget, but I wanted everything to be really perfect. So it’s just God’s help and our family and friends that helped us so much. With the registry that was just our immediate parents…. we went for a meal, we’r"It felt like I knew her and she knew me" - Moyo & Yinka, our Christian Connection story - the traditional weddinge looking for a restaurant, and it happened to be Busaba. And that was the restaurant that we just we met as well. So that was like, again, a full circle moment for us.

“And then we had our traditional wedding, which was in Croydon, so in my hometown. His family coming to my hometown to take me – that was really nice. So fun, the traditional wedding was really, really fun. And then we had our white wedding in the Heritage Art Centre, East London, which was really, really amazing, an amazing day, and very beautiful.”

"It felt like I knew her and she knew me" - Moyo & Yinka, our Christian Connection story - the church weddingMoyo said, “Each day a specific thing that just stood out to me… the registry… the whole ceremony, and then… the restaurant we went to after. On the traditional, just how colourful the event was. And how beautiful everybody looked in traditional attires. And then just the whole process of dancing in with family and friends. Then the white wedding… being able to do a wedding in a church like that. Because we both had a desire to have it in a cathedral kind of setting. By God’s providence, we were able to do it in that venue. The music was beautiful, everyone looked beautiful. The cherry on the cake was… our first dance together, you know, dancing to a song that we both we both loved.”

WATCH Moyo and Yinka talk about their meeting story, weddings and life together since here:

“It felt like I knew her and she knew me” – Moyo & Yinka, our Christian Connection story

Moyo & Yinka’s advice for single Christians?

"It felt like I knew her and she knew me" - Moyo & Yinka, our Christian Connection storyMoyo said, “Allow the Word of God to guide you in the decision you’re making in regards to your life partner. Have serious conversations when you’re dating… the person’s background where they’re coming from, life experiences, what they believe, what are their goals, what are their plans, what are the desires? Allowing the Word of God to to guide you and as much as possible. Enjoy the process, enjoy each other.”

Yinka said, “My advice is always to not compromise if you’re Christian. Don’t compromise on your values, on what you believe the gospel to be, don’t compromise in meeting somebody who shares those same values. And, she added: “My advice for the ladies would be: sometimes shoot your shot.”

WATCH more #MetOnCC couples’ short stories here and in-depth interviews here

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