September 20, 2024

Making the first move can feel like a big deal. Whether you’re new to Christian Connection or been a member before, there’s now a new way to show your interest and start a conversation. Once you’ve uploaded your photos and spent some time perfecting your profile it’s time to take the next step and reach out to someone you like. If hitting that message button feels daunting, don’t worry! Our new profile and photo reactions make it easy and stress free to make that first connection and let someone know you’d like to get to know them.

Have you spotted the ‘plus’ icon on photos and profiles yet? Here’s how to use it to send a profile or photo reaction, and our tips for getting the best response:

New feature on Christian Connection! Profile and photo reactionsDon’t be afraid to reach out first

Some people feel anxious about being the first person to say hello. Though that’s understandable, there’s a very good reason not to! On Christian Connection, our feedback shows that members who regularly reach out first have the best chance at success (and you can read in many of our #MetOnCC love stories, how often that happens!). If you’re stuck for something to say, sending a profile or photo reaction is an ideal starting point.

Be specific about what caught your eye

New feature on Christian Connection! Profile and photo reactions - how to leave an emoji reactionProfile and photo reactions allow you to send an emoji or a short message in response to a particular photo you like, or something the other person has written that means something to you. Why not like a photo that shows them taking part in an activity you’d also enjoy, or send a response to what they’ve said about their hobbies and interests? Let them know what you have in common, or what you’d love to know more about.

Pick an emoji, or send a short message

Just click on the plus icon on the photo or profile section you enjoyed and you’ll be able to select an emoji to describe your reaction. On Christian Connection we encourage members to really show who they are in their profiles. Why not send a thumbs up if you agree with what someone has said, or a prayer emoji to show solidarity in faith?

New feature on Christian Connection! Profile and photo reactions - how to leave a messageIf you’re a full member, once you’ve chosen your reaction emoji you’ll also be able to add a short comment to explain exactly what grabbed your attention, ask a question, or mention a common interest. The reaction will be sent to the other person’s mailbox for them to reply to. It’s a great way to start a conversation!

A little means a lot

It might be tempting to send a reaction to every photo someone has uploaded, or to respond to every section of their profile text. But remember that receiving too many reactions might feel overwhelming and may be harder to reply to than one well chosen emoji or thoughtful message. You don’t have to tell someone you like everything about them all at once (even if you do)!

Keep the connection going

New feature on Christian Connection! Profile and photo reactionsOnce you’ve sent a reaction, don’t worry if you’re feeling unsure about how to keep the conversation flowing. Just check out our blog posts on writing great messages and our Better Conversations resource and you’ll be prepared for anything from chilled out chats to getting deep and meaningful.

So if you’re looking for a way to reach out to someone, why not try sending a profile or photo reaction today? Remember, every connection starts with a first step.

Will you be trying profile and photo reactions? Let us know!

Want more helpful tips on how to get the most out of Christian Connection? Why not try the Christian Connection guide to perfecting your profile, our guide to writing great messages and our blog series on having better conversations

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